Monday, April 18, 2005

hey kids Comics!

Well, thanks for dropping in. Right now, as we speak, or as you read Greg is working on some swank KAK desktop images so keep your eyes peeled HERE for those, should be a couple of days.. Hey! drop that nerd a line and tell him to hurry the shit up...! it might help..

setting shit up

us, sitting, sales where brisk..

Greg, determined to poop.


We left zelly in charge while i scoped out cool kids.

See the Shat..?

Above us

Strange view

bowls of pins

Sunday, April 10, 2005


yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. This is a motherfucking tough racket huh? Well at any rate the show was yesterday and we sold like, no books so thanks for the support, those of you who did that, Sara Bir and the like, Joe and some other cool kids. I hate to hate so, no i don't, i do like hate, it's the new love, and yesterday though something that'd launch me into a big time depression is something instead I'm going to chalk up to experience. We lived/we learned. Learned that despite our best work the books do not sell themselves. We have to sell them. Lesson learned, the hard way. Oh well, our tablemates where cool. I love Lev and that one chick with the glasses was cute and totally familar but unplacable...
We do have another show coming up in august at the San Jose fairgrounds.. Keep checking back for more info on that.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

So, you heard of us somehow..

Well, if you are here then you prolly bought a book at A.P.E. That's awesome. Thanks for the cash or whatever and thanks for taking the interest to dig further. It's appreciated. It is.I know that there's a lot of stuff out there trying to get your time and moolah so, ya, just thanks.
As of now this isn't much, but in the future we're gonna launch a new title or two, prolly one and chronicle the further exploits of both Rohi Vercoutere and The Kick Ass Kid, Kyle Adams.
Future KAKs are more then likely gonna be 10 pages, B and W and Depraved Indifference is gonna be short too, but prolly longer then issue one. That's still up in the air, Rohi has a family to take care of and dude, that takes a lot of time...
Anyhow, thanks again and if you dig this stuff drop me an e-mail at and I'll whip you out a button or something. Provided you send me your address. Don't worry i won't come over. I don't really like to leave the house all that much. Makes A.P.E a big ass pain, in the ass but it has to be done or this crisis of confidence will continue..
Strange As Angels, this used to be in a goth mag called obsidian..
This is page 15 of the kick Ass Kid
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